Friday, July 8, 2011

no more summer boredom :]

I found this awesome idea from which is a site I follow on twitter.
The general idea is to write down a 'bucket list' of sorts.  I think it's a great idea to do one per week.  It wouldn't take much time to sit down with your kids at the beginning of the week (Sunday nights seem to work best at my house), ask them what things they would be interested in finding or doing, list them...and then the fun begins! Your lists could include:  Places you want to visit, movies you would like to see, books to read, crafts to create, meals you want to cook or toys you like to play with. Those are the great suggestions from the nature store.
I woud like to add a few of my own that might inspire ideas of your own.  In pondering what might be fun that doesn't cost money, I thought of these:  nature walk, create a rock collection, make snowflakes in July, organize a time for 'night games' with neighbors, look for a rainbow, visit with an grandparent, leave treats on a neighbors porch ring the doorbell and hide.
When engaging your kids in random activity BE SURE to keep it open and creative.  You will be amazed at some of the ideas they come up with.  Let them devise the list.  This activity can be very rewarding for a child!  So check out the nature store link above and HAVE A BLAST!
Happy July!
Miss Lisa :]

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